Celebration is committed to the

Word, Worship, and Witness of Jesus Christ.

Celebration Baptist Church

7202 E. 9th Street North

Wichita, KS 67206


Celebration is located on the east side of Wichita between Central and 13th Street and between Rock and Woodlawn.
Brief History of Celebration

In June 1991, Immanuel Baptist Church in Wichita, Kansas, implemented its vision for establishing a satellite church on the northeastern side of Wichita. Several members from Immanuel started a Bible study group in a church member’s house and met there until October 1992. Then the church plant moved their weekly Sunday morning worship service to the North Rock Cinema 6 and changed their name to Immanuel Northeast. One year later, Immanuel Northeast began meeting for weekly worship at Wichita Collegiate School. 

In August 1995, Immanuel and Immanuel Northeast made a Covenant of Agreement to initiate action for the new work to become an autonomous, incorporated church. On October 22, 1995, the new work signed a lease agreement with John Knox Presbyterian Church to begin worshipping in their facility. Immanuel Northeast incorporated as a church and changed its name to Celebration Baptist Church on April 16, 1996. Celebration immediately purchased their present-day facility from the Presbyterians. 

We praise the Lord for giving us a location right in the middle of an outstanding neighborhood. Many of our church family live close to the church, but many others come from all over the metropolitan area. Whether you are from the neighborhood or beyond, we would enjoy seeing you at church this Sunday! We are a church for all generations.

Celebration Baptist Church is affiliated with the Heart of Kansas Association of Southern Baptists (HOKSBA), the Kansas Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists (KNCSB), and the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).